Bonspiels are curling tournaments consisting of several games held over the course of a weekend. They are a chance to compete against other curlers. Many of our league members travel all over the US and Canada to promote Wine Country Curling at these events. Check out the BONSPIEL CALENDAR at USA Curling for upcoming bonspiels and dates.
Just to be clear, bonspiels are the BEST part of curling!
Wine Country Curling Club hosts the internationally known Crush Bonspiel held every Labor Day weekend at Skatetown Ice in Roseville. We knew there needed to be more bonspiels on the California calendar so we also created the Barrel Bonspiel which is held in March.
In 2015, the Wine Country Curling Club also partnered up with Lake Tahoe Epic Curling to create a new California Bonspiel. The Thin-Air Bonspiel was held October 2-4, 2015 in South Lake Tahoe.
If you have had a fun experience at a particular bonspiel and would like to share/recommend, please make sure to share info and photos with Katie. There are so many bonspiels to choose from it can be overwhelming. This may help fellow WCCC members plan where to go next.
So find a bonspiel, create a team, and get to travelin'!