Epically Uncorked 2020

Results for the first edition of Epically Uncorked: LTEC 19 – WCCC 9

Oh it’s on! Lake Tahoe Epic Curling has issued the challenge and Wine Country Curling Club is ready to accept it!

Four teams of mixed doubles from LTEC versus four teams of mixed doubles from WCCC. Who gets crowned the winner of the first ever Epically Uncorked Bonspiel? We’ll find out on October 10th and October 11th in Tahoe and it’s sure to be a fight to the finish!
This event is definitely going to sell out quickly as we can only send 4 teams from WCCC.
Registration will open <<< HERE >>> on Friday, September 25th at 6:00pm. We will also take registrations for the waitlist in case Douglas County occupancy rules change before October 10th. Get your other half ready to register so that you can help us come out on top at LTEC’s dedicated ice facility in Stateline.
There will be 2 pools of 4 and it’s a 3-game guarantee. Each person is $50 (payable to LTEC). We will follow all social distancing rules and MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED WHILE ON THE ICE. There will only be 8 people on the ice at one time.
Draws will begin at 9:00am on Saturday and the finals will be at 3:00pm on Sunday. (There is no league curling on that Sunday.)
Questions? Reach out to Katie at katie@winecountrycurlingclub.com.
Registered teams: